Federal Marketing
The US Government is Fortune One. But making Uncle Sam your customer is no easy task.
Our federal marketing team understands how to navigate the complexities of selling products and services to the world’s largest customer. We help companies identify and pursue opportunities through knowledge of the process and familiarity with decision-makers.
There are many routes to success when the customer is so large: direct sales, GSA schedule sales, partnering and teaming arrangements with contract holders, grants, SBIRS, proofs of concept and more. We have knowledge and relationships in all those areas, and the credibility with decision makers to make sure you get heard.
Because the federal government is so large, it is not known for its speed. Federal processes are complex and bureaucratic. And federal procurement officials are both risk-averse and not incentivized to move quickly.
That’s why we deploy a top-down strategy to shorten the sales cycle. Our relationships at the tops of federal agencies and with the U.S. Congress allows your company to gain traction faster and spurs the bureaucracy to move more quickly because they know their boss is interested.
We’ve helped our clients in a vast array of industries to either enter the federal market or secure big contract wins in such areas as:

Law Enforcement
Military Procurement
Personal Services