Practice Areas
Potomac represents individuals, companies, trade associations,
and NGOs in three main practice areas:
While the rules of government advocacy are constantly changing, the realities remain as old as the republic. Access alone is not enough. Success depends on building alliances on both sides of the aisle and promoting solutions that benefit constituents and serve the national interest.
The US Government is Fortune One. But making Uncle Sam your customer is no easy task. Our federal marketing team understands how to navigate the complexities of selling products and services to the world’s largest customer. We help companies identify and pursue opportunities through knowledge of the process and familiarity with decision-makers.
Market Entry
Today's business is global but politics continue to remain local. Having the ability to successfully navigate through local politics offers a critical advantage to firms as they seek to enter into a new international market. Potomac team ushers you through the process step by step to ensure the right doors are opened and that a high level of trust is established.